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Dragutin Cifrek painting small birds - Tičeki

Dragutin Cifrek was born in 1951 in the village of Gornje Makojišće near the town of Novi Marof on the north of the city of Zagreb, Croatia. He is a top Croatian painter and graphic artist, educated at the at the Academy of Arts of the University of Zagreb. He lives in Slovenia. In 2025, he exhibited his fascinating portraits of small birds (tičeki) in the Cultural Center of "Ivan Rabuzin" in Novi Marof.

Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek i Gordana Laco: Jadranskih sirena zov, 2024.
Na samom početku treba odgovoriti zašto su su priređivačice odlučile sastaviti antologijski izbor iz poezije hrvatskih književnica u Dalmaciji od 18. stoljeća do danas pod nazivom Jadranskih sirena zov. Razlog tome leži u impresivnoj činjenici da upravo na obali Jadrana, u Dubrovniku i Dalmaciji nalazimo u pisanim zapisima prve obrazovane dame kojima je književnost sama po sebi, ali i vlastiti pjesnički izraz nezaobilazni dio osobnosti i intelektualnog identiteta. Izdavač spomenute knjige je Splitski ogranak Društva hrvatskih književnika. Autorice su dr. Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek (na slici, HAZU, Zagreb) i izv. prof. dr. Gordana Laco (Sveučilište u Splitu).

Zrinka Ljutic of Croatia winner of the World Cup slalom 2024/25 in Semmering, Austria

Zrinka Ljutić was the winner of the skiing World Cup slalom in Semmering, Switzerland, for 2024/25. This was the first Croatian victory since legendary Janica Kostelić in 2006. "I felt all over the place and I really didn't know if I'm fast enough so I tried to push all the way down," Ljutic said about her all-attacking final run. Except of her native Croatian language, Zrinka is very fluent in English and German.

Dragutin Cifrek distinguished Croatian miniature painter and calligrapher
Dragutin Cifrek is distinguished Croatian painter, calligrapher and miniaturist, living in Slovenia. He completed his studies at the Academy of Arts of the University of Zagreb. In 2005, his self-portrait was awarded the first prize on an international competition organized in Finland. It was even chosen to appear on a postage stamp in Finland (on the photo)! Here we provide his very beautiful miniatures inspired by the rich tradition of Croatian Easter eggs painting. Mr. Cifrek was born in a village of Makoišće gornje on the north of the city of Zagreb.

Indian Mathematics Day in Croatia 2024

About 40 mathematicians plus several guests have participated at the meeting honoring the birth of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the greatest Indian mathematician in history. This yearly event, already fourth in order, was organized at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb. The principal sponsors were the Embassy of India, the mentioned Math Department, along with the Croatian Mathematical Society (its president Professor Vesna Županović is on the photo), and the Croatian-Indian Society. Three short, but very interesting 15 min lectures were delivered by distinguished Croatian experts Andrej Dujella, Zvonimir Šikić, and Mirko Primc.

Esperanto connecting Croatia globally
Croatian Esperanto literature has its beginnings since 1908. Croatian Esperanto-League (KEL, Kroata Esperanto-Ligo, Hrvatski espernatski savez) was founded in Zagreb in 1909. Many Croatian literary books have been translated into various languages worldwide due to their translations into Esperanto. Especially interesting are translations into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bengali, and Parsi languages. So, for example, children of Bengal can read Strange Adventures of Apprentice Hlapić by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić due to its translation from Croatian into Esperanto. On the photo - Mrs. Spomenka Štimec, former president of KEL.

Rudolf Matz 1901-1988 distinguished Croatian cello teacher

Croatian born Rudolf Matz (1901-1988) began work on what would become his First Years of Violoncello in the early 1940-s, and he would continue to expand, revise, and make more complete this monumental undertaking for the next 45 years. His interest and experience as a teacher, performer, composer and author informed the content of these of these technical exercises, etudes, and concert pieces, as did his early life experience as a competitive sprinter and his later interest in and study of anatomy, physiology, and ergonomics.

G2 Meeting Second Generation, November 14 and 15, 2024

The largest, best, and longest-running business networking conference between Croatia and the diaspora - MEETING G2 - will take place on November 14 and 15, 2024, at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb, the right place to connect, meet Croats from all over the world, and meet 10 top award winners. Hear their success stories, their love for the homeland, get inspired, and realize your full potential! On the photo - Mara Vitols Hrgetić. Since 2015 she and her husband Josip Hrgetić, they organize annualbusiness meetings for Croatia and its diaspora.

Nenad Bach speaking at TEDx Zagreb: PingPong vs Parkinson Uncommon Solution, Nov 21, 2024
In 2010, Nenad was diagnosed with Parkinson. In 2017, he launched PingPongParkinson" - a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping as many people as possible find relief from Parkinson symptoms by playing ping pong. This initiative has quickly evolved into a global movement spanning 25 countries and five World Championships. The organization's story is captured in a recently published book, "PingPongParkinson": It Started with a Tremor and It's Shaking Up the World". On November 21, 2024, Nenad will release his seventh album.

Helen Merrill aka Jelena Ana Milcetic, one of the most distinctive jazz singers ever

Helen Merrill, distinguished Croatian-American jazz singer, was born in New York in 1929 as Jelena Ana Milčetić. Her both parents are from Croatia, originating from the island of Krk. Accorading to Joao Moreira dos Santos, she is one of the most distinctive jazz singers ever. Her music production i senormous, including also songs that she sung in Italian, Japanese, French, and her native Croatian languages. Some of the melodies that she sung in Croatian are "Kyrie" (glagolitic church song), "Tanac" (Dance, from the island of Krk in Croatia), and "Ti si rajski cvijet" (You are a heavenly flower).

Mario Viscovich: Punat ugostio pjesnike Hrvatske izvandomovinske lirike (HIL)
Ljeto, more, poezija i gitara sljubili su se na dvadesetčetvrtom susretu pjesnika "Hrvatske izvandomovinske lirike" (HIL), koji je održan u Puntu, otok Krk od 14. do 17. lipnja o.g. Pokrovitelji susreta su bili Općina i TZ Punat, Grad Krk i TZ Krk, Hrvatska matica iseljenika Podružnica Rijeka, Triglav studio apartmani i hostel Kantun. Organizator programa i utemeljitelj pjesničkih susreta HIL-a gospodin Mario Viscovich osmislio je bogat sadržaj pjesnicima HIL-a koji su stigli iz brojnih država od Australije do Amerike.

Anica Markov - A Dalmatian Girl from Two Continents

"A Dalmatian girl from two continents" is an autobiographical book in which the author describes her untypical life from her birth up to her adulthood. She was born in Split, Croatia as the fourth child in a well-to-do family. However, due to political reasons, her parents decided to emigrate when she was 15. She loved Croatia and her life there, and she hated to emigrate. The book illustrates some memories of her childhood in various cities of Croatia. Then she continues describing her adulthood in a refugee camp in Italy, emigration to Chile and finally to Venezuela where the family settled. However, her love for Croatia was always present in her life.

Johnny Mercer, distinguished American singer, lyricist and songwriter, has Croatian roots on his mother's side
Among the best known of Johnny Mercer's songs are "Moon River", "Autumn Leaves", "Days of Wine and Roses", and "Hooray for Hollywood". He wrote the lyrics to more than 1,500 songs, including compositions for movies and Broadway shows. He received nineteen Oscar nominations, and won four Best Original Song Oscars. His roots on his mother's side are Croatia: his grandfather (Ivan Josip Čučević, i.e., John Joseph Ciucevich) was born in Croatia on the island of Lastovo.

Yoko Nishii Japanese pianist touring Croatia, Hungary, and BiH in 2024

In Sptember 2024, Yoko Nishii had a series of three concerts: in Vukovar, Osijek, and Vinkovci. She even delivered a public lecture in Vinkovici, dealing with Croatian-Japanese ties. She also had concerts in Budapest (at the Embassy of Japan, but with mixed Japanese, Hungarian and Croatian programs), as well as in Mostar in BiH, and in Zagreb. During her rich pianist career, Yoko Nishii had as many as 61 soloist concerts in 26 Croatian cities. She had her first concert in 1999, in the city of Opatija on Croatia coast.

Croatian Library for the Blind in Zagreb visited by Joginder Singh Nijjar and Jane Sha
Mr. Jogdiner Singh Nijjar, president of the Croatian-Indian Society in Zagreb, accompanied with Jane Sha and Darko Žubrinić, have visited the Croatian Library for the Blind in Zagreb. Except of the library, this institution contains a printing house for the needs of blind persons. The building where the library is placed contains also The Blind Theatre Company "New Life" (the oldest blind theatre company in Europe! Founded in 1948), the Typhlological Museum, Radio Club, Chess Club, as well as Sports Club for the blind persons. On the photo: tamburitza orchestra consisting of blind children.

Baby Lasagna is the true winner of the 2024 Eurosong Contest in Malmö

Music and text by Baby Lasagna (= Marko Purišić). Comments: 0% cursing 0% bad 100% TALENT 100% RIM TIM TAGI DIM | Not every legend is a winner. Not every winner is a legend. | TOTALLY blown away by the singer, the song, the video, the story, the folklore, the humour, the sadness, the anxiety, the rhytm, the power, the freshness, I'll send my12 points from Norway! | I cannot believe this song wasn't number one in Eurovision | I meowed back. 12 points from the United States! | 200 points from Scotland...

Miro Gavran's comedy "The Doll" premiered in India in Shimla
The Doll is the story of an android woman, written by Miro Gavran. It has been premiered in the Shimla Town in India, in the Gaity Theatre. The theatre was founded already in 1887. The story was translated from Croatian into Hindi by Saurabh Srivastava. The play is directed by Kedar Thakur, and the main roles are played by Rupesh Bhimta and Yashvi Bhardwaj. Miro Gavran's plays have been translated into 42 languages worldwide, and seen by more than four million people.

Armenia and Croatia marking the establishment of their diplomatic ties in 1995
Lipnja 2024. su koncerte pod nazivom 'Glazbeni pozdravi Armeniji iz Hrvatske' i 'Hrvatska sakralna baština - pjevajuća molitva na izvoru kršćanstva', te humanitarni koncert za Armenski Caritas pod nazivom 'Glazbeni zagrljaj Armeniji iz Hrvatske' održali u Yerevanu hrvatski glazbeni umjetnici, sopranistica Nikolina Pinko, tenor Stjepan Franetović i pijanistica i orguljašica Evu Kirchmayer Bilić.

Symphony of Care dedicated to Nenad Bach created by BAI
Nenad Bach - a great person who has brought joy to so many people around the world with his music and whose fight for world peace and against Parkinson's is a role model not just for me, but for thousands. He certainly deserved a song that honored his incredible commitment! But that it would be me, of all people, who would create this song is as hard to imagine as the fact that it is apparently even "pretty good". Have a listen! ... Text by Thorsten Boomhuis, a member of PPP in Germany. On the photo - a part of a drawing of Nenad Bach by Cynthia Nelms Byrne.

Hrvojka Mihanovic-Salopek: U ogledalu znanstvenih prosudbi II. sv.
Monografija je objavljena 2024. u izdanju poduzeća Biakova, Zagreb 2024. Bavi se književnim i likovnim analizama više autora: Frana Vinka Maroevića, Nikole Andrića, Miroslava S. Mađera, Marijana Matkovića, Jakše Fiamenga, Borisa Biletića, Gorana Gatalice, Josipa Botterija Dinija, Zvonimira Mihanovića, Slavka Ježića i Ive Frangeša. Autorica je ugledna hrvatska znanstvenica, suradnica HAZU i predsjednik Društva hrvatskih književnika.

Oto Reisinger 1927-2016 distinguished Croatian caricaturist
The people of Zagreb remember him as a well-known and charismatic face of the city, who came up with his ideas every day, absorbing the city's atmosphere by transferring them to paper, he gained world fame. His departure created a void that is impossible to fill, but the goal of the House of Cartoons in Zagreb is to make Oto's spirit live forever. Except in Croatia, he published his caricatures abroad (in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Great Britain): in Quick, Nebelsparter, Panorama, Punch.

Croatian mariners in the ARCTIC EXPEDITION in 1872-1874
The crew of the ship Tegetthoff was composed of 24 persons, out of them 12 Croats. Their names are Petar Lusina (from the island of Cres), Lovro Marolla (from Rijeka), Ante Vecerina (from Draga near Rijeka), Petar Falesic (from Bakar), Juraj Stiglic (from Bakar), Jakov Sucic (from Volosko), Fran Lettis (from Volosko), Vicko Palmic (from Lovran, on the photo), Josip Latkovic (from Plomin), Ante Katarinic (from Mali Losinj), Ante Lukinovic (from Pucisca on the island of Brac), Ante Zaninovic (from Sv. Nedilja on the island of Hvar).

Andrej Dujella: Diophantine m-tuples and Elliptic Curves, published by Springer, Cham, 2024.
Andrej Dujella is a leading Croatian expert in Number Theory. This book provides an overview of the main results and problems concerning Diophantine m-tuples, i.e., sets of integers or rationals with the property that the product of any two of them is one less than a square, and their connections with elliptic curves. It presents the contributions of famous mathematicians of the past, like Diophantus, Fermat and Euler, as well as some recent results of the author and his collaborators.

Ivana Marija Vidovic a member of the pianist jury for PREMIO TUSCANY in Italy
Ivana Marija Vidović was on the jury in Tuscany for the first time, and at the personal invitation of the world-famous pianist Daniel Rivera, as the very first Croatian from Dubrovnik to join such jury and to decide the winners in all categories for solo piano. In addition to the Argentinian pianist Daniel Rivera, the jury included the president of the jury, the German pianist, organist, conductor and president of the Schubert competition in Germany, Roland Proell, and two Italian colleagues, Federica Monti and Vincenzo Marrone d'Alberti.

Zlatko Josip Grgić Croatian guitarist playing Chaconne by J. S. Bach on the famous Torres guitar La Invencible

Zlatko Josip Grgić was born in Croatia's capital Zagreb in 2001. From his earliest childhood, he has been surrounded by some of the best guitar players in the world. In the spring of 2018, he recorded Ennio Morricone's Cinema Paradiso as a music video in Venice. In December 2018, he gave a successful concert in Barcelona on the famous Torres guitar, La Invencible (The Invincible), as Torres himself had named it, which is the only guitar among the National Treasures of Spain. On that occasion, the Spanish gave Zlatko Josip Grgić has the nickname Torres' Whisperer.

Nathalie Rayes ambassador of the USA to Croatia visited FER, University of Zagreb, in June 2024
Nathalie Reyes (on the photo with Vedran Bilas, the dean of FER): "Today, I visited the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at the University of Zagreb, one of Croatia's top institutions. Meeting with talented and innovative students was truly inspiring. The future of engineering and computing in Croatia is bright!" Nathalie Rayes was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia on January 10, 2024.

Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) since 2024
Lady Jadranka Beresford-Peirse has been made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) as part of the King's birthday honours list. This is an important moment for UK-Croatia relations, as Lady Jadranka has worked tirelessly for Croatia, and demonstrates how far we have come since the early 90s. An MBE is given for: 'Achievement or service in and to the community which is outstanding in its field and has delivered sustained and real impact which stands out as an example to others.'

1145 years since the first international recognition of Croatia: 879 - 2024

The Croatian Prince Branimir, 9th century, made important steps in strengthening the relations with Rome. During the solemn divine service in St. Peter's church in Rome in 879, Pope John VIII gave his blessing to the prince and the whole Croatian people, about which he informed Branimir in his letters, the first one dated on May 21, 879. This was the first time that the Croatian state was officially recognized (at that time the international legitimacy was given by the Pope), which, as we see, happened more than eleven centuries ago!

Croatian Statehood Day, 30th May
Google's Doodle celebrates Croatia's Statehood Day. On May 30,1990, Croatia established  its first democratically-elected, multi-party parliament. Despite forming its parliament, Croatia couldn't immediately separate from the former Yugoslavia. A year later, parliament finally gained the power to declare independence on June 25, 1991, after 93% of citizens voted for Croatia to become a sovereign state. This event holds the record for the largest voter turnout in Croatian history and is considered one of the most significant Croatian historical events.

Yoko Nishii bridges Okinawa, Japan and Croatia performing Dora Pejacevic

The concert is organized by the Honorary Consulate of Croatia in Naha as a cultural exchange program between Croatia and Naha City. Also, as a charity concert, the proceeds will be donated through the Croatian Embassy to support the recovery from the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. The program includes compositions by Dora Pejačević (1885-1923), the first Croatian women-composer. The concert will take place on 19th May 2024 in the Naha Cultural Arts Theater "NAHArt", which was opened in 2021.

Croats in South America

In this article, we have only touched upon a vast subject of Croats in South America, covering their contributions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezula,... in numerous field of culture, art and science. among the best known such persons is Juan (Ivan) Vučetić, the father of scientific dactyloscopy (identification by fingerprints; on the photo). We mention also painters Kristian Kreković, Zdravko Dučmelić, Gustav Likan.

Ivana Marija Vidović from Dubrovnik in the prestigious jury in France, Provence 2024

Last week, the Dubrovnik pianist Ivana Marija Vidović was a member of the prestigious expert jury of the International Piano Competition Saint Paul Trois-Chateaux. Vidović was in the jury alongside maestro Marc Moncusi from Barcelona, pianist Sabrina Dente from Italy, pianist and organist Christoph Ewers from Germany, and pianist and director Pierre-Laurent Boucharlat from France. The jury chose the interpretation of Edward Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor and with that also chose the winner, twenty-four-year-old Shion Ota from Japan. The second and third prizes went also to Japan.

Valentina Cafolla of Croatia smashes two under-ice freediving records

Croatian freediver Valentina Cafolla has set two new world records on consecutive days in February 2024 at Lake Anterselva in South Tyrol, Italy. On 23 February, Cafolla set a new CMAS Dynamic With Fin (DYN) Under Ice With Wetsuit record of 140m (459ft), retaking. The 140m record was set wearing a monofin, however, the next day, on 24 February, Cafolla became the first freediver to set a record using double fins, swimming a distance of 80. Valentina is a student of the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology.

The Metros-Croatia, a Toronto soccer team

Metros-Croatia soccer club was founded in 1956 by Croatian diaspora in Canada. The greatest success was achieved in 1976, when Toronto-Croatia won the Soccer Bowl. This 1976 team was subsequently inducted to the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame. Toronto Croata has been among the most successful Croatian diaspora clubs. There are numerous other Croatian diaspora soccer clubs: New York-Croatia, Frankfurt-Croatia, Frankfurt-Croatia, Munich-Croatia, Stuttgart-Croatia, Sydney-Croatia (Sydney United), etc (more than hundred!).

Nenad Bach International Newsletter No. 59: Winter 2024
In 2024, I will release my 7th and 8th album. Music from the movies played by symphony orchestra, and Forgotten Songs, album with the songs that I either recorded but never released or never recorded at all but remembered them. Let's see if I really accomplish that. My main preoccupation after having Parkinson for 14 years is a global movement PingPongParkinson that I started on March 1, 2017. Two major tournaments are listed here: 9-12 May 2024 PingPongParkinson German Open, and 14-19 October 2024 PingPongParkinson World Championship Laško Slovenia.

Hauser - cellist's story from Croatia to global music celebrity

Since that fateful moment when he decided to create a new, musical experience out of the long and established traditions of classical, pop and rock music, HAUSER has been playing arena concerts all over the world and, defying the conventions of the established music business. As part of the quintessential 2Cellos, Hauser has toured the world - from the Royal Albert Hall and the Sydney Opera House to New York’s Madison Square Garden selling more than one million tickets to their live shows. During the Christmas 2021 season, he had the great honor of performing and appearing in front of Pope Francis but he has also given performances to several American Presidents, Prince Charles as well as Queen Elizabeth.

Croatia is Water Polo Champion of the World in 2024
Croatia is the Water Polo Champion for the third time: in 2007, 2013, and 2024. Congratulations to Marko Bijac, Mate Anic, Josip Vrlic, Luka Loncar, Rino Buric, Matias Biljaka, Konstantin Kharkov, Filip Krzic, Franko Lazic, Zvonimir Butic, Ante Vukicevic, Loren Fatovic, Jerko Marinic Kragic, Ivan Krapic, Marko Zuvela, and Ivica Tucak (coach). Prior to this, also in 2024, Croatia won silver medal at the European Waterpolo Championship (organized in Zagreb), which was also a huge success.

Exploring Tesla at the Czech Technical University in Prague - four lecturers from Croatia

Nikola Tesla Network is a Croatian NGO placed in the city of Gospić, very near the village of Smiljan where N. Tesla (1856-1943) was born. This NGO has organized, in cooperation with the Czech Technical University in Prague and the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia, an interesting event entitled "Exploring Tesla", in which four lecturers from Croatia have participated on 11th January 2024: Dubravka Davidović, Darko Žubrinić, Martina Marušić-Britvec, and Boris Šušnjar (on the photo).

Chriztel Renae Aceveda young Filipino girl singing traditional Croatian songs
Chriztel came to Croatia in September 2020 at the age of 9, when her Filipina mother and Croatian father moved to the town Sveti Martin na Muri. When it is time for her to sing at the Supertalent TV show in Croatia's capital Zagreb, everybody holds their breath. Without any accompaniment, Chriztel's sweet angelic voice fills the studio. The beautiful melody of the Croatian folk song "Dej mi Bože", and her soothing and heartfelt rendition bring some members of the audience to tears. The judges are speechless. Everyone is mesmerized. Even Chriztel's mom and dad are both fighting back tears.

Anisha Rosna's father Ivica Adam Kalebic is Croatian

Anisha Rosnah, born in 1994, is the daughter of Siti Mariam Isa and Ivica Adam Kalebic, a Croatian, also known as Adam bin Abdullah. Her name is often written as Anisha Rosnah binti Adam (i.e., daughter of Adam), Anisha Isa Kalebic (containing the second names of her parents). She is very well educated, having completed the University of Bath in the UK. With this marriage she became a member of the Royal Family of Brunei. Brunei is the only sovereign state entirely on the island of Borneo. The remaining part of the island is divided between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Peter Tomich Croatian-USA hero of Pearl Harbor has a monument in Ljubuski in 2023
A monument to distinguished Croatian-American hero, Peter Tomich (Peter Tonich Herzeg), was unveiled in the town of Ljubuški in Bosnia Herzegovina in 2023, near his birthplace. For a long time, the origin of Peter Tonich Herzeg was not know. His relatives were discovered in the town of Ljubuški in Bosnia and Herzegovina, neighboring Croatia. We show an educative video about the history of Chief Peter Tomich, who died during the attack of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This video was taken aboard the Battleship Wisconsin in August 2019.

Humanitarni koncert za Opću bolnicu DUBROVNIK

Najavljujemo početak humanitarne akcije uglednih umjetnika različitih profila ali s istom srdačnom željom u ova sveto doba: "Kupnja suvremenog aparata za kardiološki odjel Opće bolnice Dubrovnik". Pozivamo svih da nam se pridruže u hvalevrijednoj akciji: samostalne građane, poduzeća i sve pojedince da doprinesu koliko bili u mogućnosti. Upravo Božić nas uči biti boljima, biti dijelom velike ljudske obitelji. Podupiru: Klapa Ragusa, Radojka Šverko, Vladimir Babin, Suzi Sokol, Ivana Marija Vidović, Dijana Hilje.

Miljenko "Mike" Grgich 1923-2023: "The King of Chardonnay"

With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Miljenko "Mike" Grgich, a name synonymous with innovation, excellence, and pioneering spirit in the world of winemaking. Mike's enduring legacy extends far beyond his remarkable wines; it encompasses his dedication to sustainability, his mentorship of future winemakers, and his unwavering commitment to his Croatian heritage. His Chardonnay was chosen in 1973 for a blind tasting in Paris, in celebration of the U.S. bicentennial. The results shocked the world when Mike's Chardonnay was named the top wine in Paris.

Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopljskog / uredio Vinicije B. Lupis

Izdavačka kuća Gospa od Škrpjela - Perast u Crnoj Gori, objavila je 2023. knjigu Bokeljska trilogija Vicka Tripkovića Podnopoljskog, koju je dr. sc. Vinicije B. Lupis (na slici) uredio, opremio i popratio uvodnom studijom "Vicko Tripković Podnopoljski (Dobrota, 1870. Zagreb, 1938.), zaboravljeni hrvatski književnik, autor svojevrsne bokeljske trilogije". Pripovijetke koje čine ovu trilogiju tiskane su u dubrovačkom književnom časopisu Srđ početkom 20. stoljeća.

Vukovar road to recovery

We provide an audio presentation "Vukovar road to recovery" by Thomas Burns. We also provide a description of the drama in the Vukovar Hospital by the end of 1991, when its director was late Dr. Vesna Bosanac (on the photo). Dr. Vesna Bosanac sent numerous messages during several months of Serbian attacks on the city, asking for help. We also add a video-film "Operation Storm" produced by Nikola Knez. Another video contains a song Croatia written and composed by Dr. Drago Štambuk in 1991, musically arranged by Arsen Dedić.

Ivana Marija Vidovic presided the "Ariano International Piano Competition" in Italy 2023
Respected Dubrovnik pianist, Ivana Marija Vidović, returned from Italy full of impressions after chairing the international piano competition 'Ariano International Piano Competition.' Being the head of the jury, she emphasized that it came as a pleasant surprise, and the entire experience enriched her. She mentioned that once again, she had the opportunity to represent her hometown Dubrovnik.

PingPongParkinson World Championship 2023 Wels Austria

The PingPongParkinson World Championship 2023 has come to an end. What a tournament it was! New world champions emerged and former champions re-positioned. This was so far the most competitive world championship and with plenty of surprises. We would like to celebrate all players for their determination and congratulate the medalists who took the podium. Global PingPongParkinson movement was initiated by Nenad Bach, on the photo.

Viktor Cizic Croatian pianist performing at Millenium Stage of the Kennedy Center 2023
On the 10th Anniversary of Croatia's accession to the European Union, the Embassy of Croatia in Washington, in collaboration with the Kennedy Center, presented a concert by Viktor Cizic, a renowned pianist from Zagreb, Croatia. With critical acclaim and a lasting impression on audiences and reviewers, Viktor brought forth a diverse blend of compositions by George Gershwin, Margareta Ferek-Petrić, Davorin Kempf, and Franz Liszt, at times seamlessly transitioning into contemporary music.

Croats in Boka kotorska (in present-day Montenegro)
The region of Boka kotorska (in present-day Montenegro) is situated on the south-east of Dubrovnik and Konavle, along the Adriatic coast from Herceg Novi to very near the town of Bar. It was named after the town of Kotor, which is placed in a fascinating fjord. On the left, a detail from the photo of the "Croatian Falcon" sports club in the city of Budva (in Boka kotorska), 1914, with Croatian Coat of Arms.

Festival Epidaurus 2023 in Cavtat, beautiful late summer in Croatia

Under the motto 'Living with Arts,' the international music and art festival Epidaurus Cavtat took place for the seventeenth year in a row from August 27th to September 17th. The festival, recognized and renowned internationally, has made Cavtat the center of the art world at the end of each summer for 17 years, bringing over fifty performers and hosting more than 200 concerts and events. The founder and director of the Festival is Ivana Marija Vidović, Croatian pianist and poetesse.

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Croatian Constellation

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